Board of Directors


I go through cycles in my life when I get caught up in work and the chores of daily living and then I get too crabby because I haven’t been filling my bucket with enough fun… I need a girl’s night out! I need laughter. I solve the problems of the world with my girlfriends while also discussing work and our families – and somehow it helps to reset my perspective. When my choices are to laugh or cry about something I hope I try to laugh as often as possible.

I have a small “board of directors” in my life. I am a pretty decisive person but I bounce things off them first if I want to get some feedback.  I think everyone would benefit from a good board of directors in their lives. Some might specialize in relationship advice, some in financial advice and so on.  Ideally they would be a group of trusted supporters, some of your biggest cheerleaders.

I have a good friend going through a divorce right now and we started talking about who she would consider to be on her board of directors? She needs a support net, not financially but emotionally. She needs to identify who those people are that lift her up and spend as much time as she can with them. The more time spent socializing and having fun is less time feeling blue about the past and stressed about the future. If you are having fun you are not stressing – at that moment. I am so glad she has kept her sense of humor through such a rough patch in life.

If you find yourself without a board of directors, it is time to make one. The size does not matter. My mother said, “You only need one good friend, but you have to be a friend to get a friend.” She was right of course, though more are merrier. 

To make new friends think about joining a career-oriented group, volunteer, attend community events, invite someone to coffee, learn something new, join a social networking or support group, explore but most importantly smile and let people know you are open to new friendships as they might be looking too.

The single most important factor for a satisfying life is friendship. The science says if you surround yourself with healthy, strong friendships you will live longer with less stress and potentially have fewer health issues. Unfortunately, they don’t just knock at your door; you have to put in the time to reach a tipping point in friendships.

“ We cannot tell the precise moment when friendship is formed. As in filling a vessel drop by drop, there is at last a drop which makes it run over; so in a series of kindnesses there is at last one which makes the heart run over.” – Samuel Johnson

 (Aspiring to be a) Happy Go Lucky Girl


2 Responses
  1. Barb

    I love the concept of Board of Life Directors- I have a wonderful group of friends who have been exactly that for years- But we never had a title!!
    I think it is time I make them some business cards saying just that, and how grateful I am that they are in my life.

    Thank you for the perfect idea.